Squares Hiding Squares
Gian Berto Vanni
Oil on canvas; 39 x 39 inches
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Two paintings [along with Magnetism] based on the same composition suggest a very different association of ideas about the possible meanings, and the different position in space of the represented objects.
The first impression, of a cross, is almost immediately replaced by squares separated by walkways. Cardo and Decumanus - the cardinal point streets on which the camps and new cities of the Roman Empire were based - squares hiding squares - are in Magnetism populated by a swarm of little creatures like Summer Flies around a light at night, contrasting with the silence of Squares Hiding Squares, illuminated from the transparent space of a radiant sun.       -- Gian Berto Vanni

If you are interested in purchasing this painting or making an appointment to see it, please visit or email Arco Gallery.


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